from $25.00

Membership is the best way to show your support of the Dartmouth Cultural Center and its educational goals. Members provide critical support and enjoy exclusive privileges, including discounts on all classes and workshops.

Young Artist Membership - $25

Join today and your membership will be active for one year from today’s date.

Young Artist Members receive the following benefits:

  • $10 discount on all classes and $5 discount on workshops (not including books, materials fees, etc.)

  • Eligible to participate in Dartmouth Cultural Center Exhibitions

  • Opportunity for images of your work from Dartmouth Cultural Center events to be featured on social media websites

ARTIST Membership - $35

Join today and your membership will be active for one year from today’s date.

Artist Members receive the following benefits:

  • $10 discount on all classes and $5 discount on workshops (not including books, materials fees, etc.).

  • Eligible to participate in Dartmouth Cultural Center Exhibitions.

  • Opportunity for images of your work from Dartmouth Cultural Center events to be featured on social media websites.

Individual Membership - $50

Join today and your membership will be active for one year from today’s day.

Individual Members receive the following benefits:

  • $10 discount on all classes and $5 discount on workshops (not including books, materials fees, etc.).

  • Eligible to participate in Dartmouth Cultural Center Exhibitions.

  • Opportunity for images of your work from Dartmouth Cultural Center events to be featured on social media websites.

fAmily Membership - $85

Join today and your membership will be active for one year from today’s date.

Dual/Family Members are related people living at the same address. They receive the following benefits:

  • $10 discount on all classes and $5 discount on workshops (not including books, materials fees, etc.).

  • Eligible to participate in Dartmouth Cultural Center Exhibitions.

  • Opportunity for images of your work from Dartmouth Cultural Center events to be featured on social media websites.